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These are some of our favorite sources on topics surrounding Education and Inequality.

Racism, Implicit Bias, and Education

Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do by Claude M. Steele (W.W. Norton & Company, 2010)

Mentoring Students of Color: Naming the Politics of Race, Social Class, Gender, and Power by Juan F. Carrillo, et al. (Koninklijke Brill NV, 2019)

Creating an Inclusive Classroom

American Political Science Association’s Inclusive Classroom Reading List (APSA, 2020)

‘Whistling Vivaldi’ And Beating Stereotypes (NPR, 2010)

Black Americans & Education

For Black Americans Experiences of Racial Discrimination Vary by Education Level and Gender by Monica Anderson (Pew Research Center, 2019)

State of Black America 2020 Executive Summary (The National Urban League, 2020)

Latinxs & Education

Education levels of recent Latino immigrants in the U.S. reached new highs as of 2018 by Luis Noe-Bustamante (Pew Research Center, 2020)

Intersectional Research

U.S. women near milestone in the college-educated labor force by Richard Fry (Pew Research Center, 2019)

Persistence of women and minorities in STEM field majors: Is it the school that matters? by Amanda Griffith (Economics of Education Review, 2010)

Faculty Gender in the College Classroom: Does It Matter for Achievement and Major Choice? by Amanda Griffith (Southern Economic Journal, 2014)

Education & State Variation

Education, Equity, and the States: How Variations in State Governance Make or Break Reform by Sara Dahill-Brown (Harvard Education Press, 2019)

Education & Economic Opportunity

Income and Access to Higher Education: Are High Quality Universities Becoming More or Less Elite? A Longitudinal Case Study of Admissions at UW-Madison by Sara Dahill-Brown, et al. (The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2016)

Degrees of Inequality: How the Politics of Higher Education Sabotaged the American Dream by Suzanne Mettler (Basic Books, 2014)

COVID-19 & Education

Hispanic Women, Immigrants, Young Adults Those With less Education Hit Hardest by Covid-19 Job Losses by Rakesh Kochhar (Pew Research Center, 2020)

Lower-income parents most concerned about their children falling behind amid COVID-19 school closures by Juliana Menasce Horowitz (Pew Research Center, 2020)

Amid coronavirus outbreak, nearly three-in-ten young people are neither working nor in school by Richard Fry and Amanda Barroso (Pew Research Center, 2020)

School Segregation — the Manifestation of Education Inequality

School Segregation, the Continuing Tragedy of Ferguson by Nikole Hannah-Jones (ProPublica, 2014)

School Segregation after Brown by Jeff Larson, et al. (ProPublica, 2014)

The Problem We All Live With by Nikole Hannah-Jones (This American Life, 2015)

School Desegregation After Parents Involved: The Complications of Pursuing Diversity in a High Stakes Era of Accountability by Erica Frankenberg, et al. (Journal of Urban Affairs, 2016)

The Role of Residential Segregation in Contemporary School Segregation by Erica Frankenberg (Education and Urban Society, 2013)

Here is What School Integration in America Looks Like Today by Halley Potter and Michelle Burris (The Century Foundation, 2020)

Preventing Double Segregation for Students with Disabilities by Halley Potter and Kimberly Quick (The Century Foundation, 2018)

Concentrated Poverty Impacts Student Achievement by Janet Wlody (The Century Foundation, 2013)

The Civil Rights Project at UCLA

Brown Fades: The End of Court-Ordered School Desegregation and the Resegregation of American Public Schools by Sean F. Reardon, et al. (Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2012)

Toward the Resegregation of Southern Schools: African American Suburbanization and Historical Erasure in Freeman v. Pitts by Daniel Amsterdam (History of Education Quarterly, 2017)

From Resegregation to Reintegration: Trends in the Racial/Ethnic Segregation of Metropolitan Public Schools, 1993-2009 by Kori Stroub and Meredith Richards (American Educational Research Journal, 2013)

NYT LESSON PLANS: Still Separate, Still Unequal: Teaching about School Segregation and Educational Inequality by Keith Meatto (The New York Times, 2019)

U.S. School Segregation in the 21st Century by Will McGrew (Washington Center for Equitable Growth, 2019)

Modern-Day Segregation in Public Schools by Sonali Kohli (The Atlantic, 2014)

New Evidence on School Choice and Racially Segregated Schools by Grover Whitehurst (Brookings Institution, 2017)

The Cumulative Disadvantages of First- and Second-Generation Segregation for Middle School Achievement by Roslyn Arlin Mickelson (American Educational Research Journal, 2015)

Racial Identity, Racial Discrimination, and Classroom Engagement Outcomes Among Black Girls and Boys in Predominantly Black and Predominantly White School Districts by Seanna Leath, et al. (American Educational Research Journal, 2019)

“Being” Black and Strategizing for Excellence in a Racially Stratified Academic Hierarchy by Carla O’Connor, et al. (American Educational Research Journal, 2011)

Piedmont Triad Area News & Organizations

The 2019 Education Report for Forsyth County by Forsyth Promise

Forsyth Futures’ Reports on the Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic


Latino Community Services

Forsyth Education Partnership

Forsyth Promise

The land on which Wake Forest University now resides and the land on which the original campus resided served for centuries as a place for exchange and interaction for Indigenous peoples, specifically Saura, Catawba, Cherokee, and Lumbee in the current location and Shakori, Eno, Sissipahaw, and Occaneechi in the original campus location.